Sunday, March 19, 2006

lemons - 2/22/06

I am happy to report that a new Dunkin' Donuts is coming to the neighborhood. This means there will be 4 places within 2 1/2 blocks where I can get a lemon donut! There's also a place along that same block that sells Krispy Kreme donuts, but there's no I only stop in when I'm in the mood for a raspberry.

On a lighter note, I got into a spat with someone at work. I asked her a simple question about where a certain document could be found. She smiled, gave the answer, but as soon as I walked away, I heard her comment about me. I was a little too slow to react, but I was furious. I don't care if she talks about me behind my back, but this wasn't - and it was loud enough for everyone in the hall to hear. I went to her and quietly said, you know if you're going to do that, you might want to make sure that a) it's justified (I needed to fix the document before it went out so there was a reason I asked about it) and b) the person can't hear you. She got embarrassed but tried to weasel out of it by saying - what do you mean? I said, I heard you. You said... She knew she was busted and said, no - you misunderstood, I was talking about something else. I looked at her like I was clearly not buying it and let her flounder a little as she repeated her excuse. Finally I said (still in a little bit hard tone), if I misunderstood - I apologize. She apologized. I said, okay - so we're fine - and I walked away.
Ugh. I don't like confrontation, but I feel like I couldn't let that one go. If I'm not going to stick up for myself, who will?


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