Thursday, November 17, 2005

so far

I've eaten broccoli, walked lots, ran yesterday, and lifted Monday. I have even done pretty well on the diet coke - only 1 this week so far. I have yet to buy flowers for my house (looking forward to that one) and I have to eat broccoli at least once more and salmon at least once. Kind of a funny plan, huh? Today, I should at least lift, if not ride the bike too.
It's very cold here and I'm glad I have access to equipment indoors.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

new plan

Now that I'm going part-time, I am focusing on my health. (Um, that was the reason for going part-time, after all) I know this blog is already boring - but it's not really meant for anyone to read anyway. I'm now going to use it to chart symptoms and progress so I can (hopefully) learn what it takes to keep my sarcoid at bay.
I picked up Andrew Weil's 8 Weeks to Optimum Health. This week is week one. My goals include - no aspartame (good-bye diet coke), take walks, eat salmon and broccoli. There's more to it, but those are the big ones.
I'm also starting a new training program. I am running, biking and swimming. Last week, I did well on the running and biking. This week - I'm already off to a less than perfect start because I missed yoga today. You'd think that if it's only 1 day a week I could get my butt there. In my defense, I haven't missed any of the last 5 week session and I had to get some work done b/c my boss will be out of town the next couple of days. Tomorrow is a new day. And, I'm getting a massage on Thursday. That should be interesting, b/c it will be administered by a student of one of the schools of massage therapy here. I figure I was a 711 who appreciated the experience (law student in 3rd year of law school who is allowed to handle cases under the supervision of a licensed attorney), and I can return the favor. Besides, it's gotta be hard to mess it up THAT bad, right? I'll keep you posted.