Sunday, January 08, 2006

Yikes...too long without an update

Almost a month since my last update. I went home to california for a while - it was underwater. I got to run 1x, and the rest of the time it rained. Still, if I had really wanted to get my workouts in - I suppose I could have gotten it done. Unfortunately, once you stop - it's easier to maintain the couch potato role than the exerciser role. Now, I have a cold. It's been almost 2 weeks though so I might do a few easy work outs.
I think my eyes have been okay through this, b ut the other day my knee was swollen to the size of a nerf ball. It was really hard. I have no idea what I did to bug it, but I had to take some prednisone for it to go down. It might have been too much sugar - sometimes that's a trigger - b/c over the holidays I had too many christmas goodies. Sugar is another one of those momentum things - once I start eating sugar, it's hard to stop. I don't want to do the whole knee thing again, so I will have to give up the sugar.