Friday, December 16, 2005

workout progress

Yesterday I did not work out. Today, I did a pretty big workout. I lifted, ran, swam, and did a small amount of yoga to stretch after all of that. It was going pretty well until the run (which was 3rd in line). My stomach started hurting again for no apparent reason. This has been going on - off and on - for about a month. As much as I hate to admit it - I may have to make a trip to the doctor. I thought it was just a mild but long-lasting version of the I don't know. The only real symptom is a stomachache. Very odd.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

training sessions

I took last week off. I was glad to do it, and I could almost imagine myself being content to slip back into the ranks of the couch-potatos. Surprisingly, though, I was looking forwardto working out again. I've revamped my training schedule and am ready to go. So far so good. It felt good to get back into it.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

clear eyes

Eye doctor last week says eyes look quiet. Now the countdown begins. I will see how long I can keep them quiet. If I can make it to April - my wedding - then I will go full time again. If not....not sure what to do.
I told you before doing Dr. Weil's 8 weeks to optimum health. I think it will take me 8 months. I feel bad about moving on to the next week when I haven't mastered the first week. Diet coke is a hard habit to break. However, I'm down to only 2 a week, so that's not that bad. I'm eating salmon and broccoli and have flowers in my house. That's a good start. The only problem is I lent my book to someone, and I forget what's next.
I have been feeling generally under the weather for almost a month now. I don't know if I have the flu or am an the verge of getting it or its just the weather change. My workouts continue, but I have taken 2 days off in a row - sometimes 3 - b/c I'm just too tired and am convinced that I'm getting sick. Then I'll feel better and work out again. I'm thinking of just taking this week off.